Christmas nutcrackers made in germany wooden nutcracker. View all restaurants near erzgebirgische volkskunst on tripadvisor. Since that time they have been dealing with the manufacturing of wooden items in traditional style of the erzgebirge. The seiffen toy museum and the famous seiffen church are in the immediate vicinity of our company. Especially kings, soldiers and gendarmes are often used as a model. Buy beautiful and authentic german christmas nutcrackers the exclusive online shop for premium handcrafts made in germany. Erzgebirgische volkskunst richard glasser gmbh home facebook. Find great deals on ebay for erzgebirgische volkskunst nutcracker.
Get to know dregeno the seiffen cooperative steeped in tradition and onestop shop for all things related to handcrafted products from the erzgebirge. Enjoy a video visit to seiffen, the home of most of our wooden items. The following presentation will introduce you to our world and hopefully give you interesting information about the erzgebirge and the richard glaesser company in seiffen. Seiffen pyramiden erzgebirgische volkskunst richard. The seiffener volkskunst eg was founded by local craftsmen in 1958. Smokers, nutcrackers, arches, pyramids and many more. Nutcrackers free delivery possible on eligible purchases. Erzgebirgische volkskunst wird in ihrer heimat, dem erzgebirge, bis heute in kleinen manufakturen aufwandig in handarbeit hergestellt. Standing wooden nutcrackers in the form of soldiers and kings were shown in the sonneberg and erzgebirge regions of germany by 1800 and in 1830, the term nussknacker.
Erzgebirgepalace german nutcrackers, incense smokers. The nutcracker was first developed around 1870 and is nowadays one of the most famous representatives of the erzgebirge. Richard glasser nutcracker rg erzgebirgische volkskunst seiffen germany new. Nutcracker erzgebirgische volkskunst seiffen handarbeit rg made in germany. Many wooden candle pyramids, angels, nutcrackers, candlesticks, and toys related to christmas are produced in seiffen. No matter what youre looking for or where you are in the world, our global marketplace of sellers can help you find unique and affordable options. Onlineshop onlineshop erzgebirgische volkskunst richard glasser gmbh seiffen hauptstra. In 1958 in seiffen, germany, seiffener volkskunst was founded by several local craftsmen. Erzgebirgische volkskunst is a well known form of highly. Dec 20, 2017 ive lost track of how many years i have come to this hotel, but, i must say it manages to do two things. Seiffener volkskunst seiffen erzgebirge volkskunst german. Nov 07, 2017 a worker cuts a spanbaum christmas figure at the erzgebirgische volkskunst cheap hobbies for men info. For the last 50 years seiffener volkskunst has been producing high quality german erzgebirge collectibles. Erzgebirgische volkskunst knuth neuber home facebook.
Seiffen is located in the south of dresden, in the ore mountain area, in the german erzgebirge mountains, near the border of the czech republic. Seiffener volkskunst eg german nutcrackers, incense. Scotsman nutcracker by erzgebirgische volkskunst richard glasser. Erzgebirgische volkskunst erich schoenherr gmbh 09375 herold hand made in germany. Vintage nussknacker erzgebirge volkskunst nutcracker wooden solider. Nutcrackers richard glasser founded in 1932, the firm officially known as erzgebirgische volkskunst richard glasser gmbh seiffen began producing wooden articles in the 1940s.
Seiffener volkskunst nutcrackers erzgebirge palace. Worldwide shipping nutcrackers of seiffener volkskunst eg nutcrackers shop for typical german gifts, souvenirs and products made in germany. Smokers, nutcrackers, pyramids, christmas arcs, flower children, angels and many more for christmas decoration. Worldwide shipping nutcrackers of erzgebirgische volkskunst richard glasser seiffen erzgebirge nutcrackers shop for typical german gifts, souvenirs and products. Buy seiffener volkskunst german nutcracker hussar red, height 28cm 11 inch.
His early assortment consisted of semiluxury items such as coffee, tea, cocoa, tobacco and alcohol and then in 1934, wooden figures made in seiffen were added. Nutcracker christmas original erzgebirge seiffen husar red wood figurine flaw. Find great deals on ebay for erzgebirgische nutcracker and erzgebirgische volkskunst nutcracker. Worldwide shipping selection of erzgebirgische volkskunst richard glasser seiffen erzgebirge incense smokers christmas, nutcrackers, christmas pyramids, holy family, easter bunnies, candlestick, advent house, german music boxes, musical boxes, easter chicks, music boxes teddy bear. The erzgebirgepalace offers the complete world of the german erzgebirge folkart to collectors and enthusiasts of traditional wooden gifts and woodcarving decorations made in germany. Founded in 1932, the firm officially known as erzgebirgische volkskunst richard glasser gmbh seiffen began producing wooden articles in the 1940s. Erzgebirgische volkskunst richard glasser gmbh, kurort seiffen, sachsen, germany. Muller german christmas pyramid erzgebirge motif, 3tier, height 58 cm 23 inch, natural, original erzgebirge by mueller seiffen 5. For christmas and easter or for the rest of the year you will find wunderful products of high quality in our assortment. Dec 05, 2019 restaurants near erzgebirgische volkskunst. Erzgebirgische volkskunst seiffen handarbeit chubby. Erzgebirgische volkskunst seiffen santa father christmas.
Erzgebirgische volkskunst knuth neuber, seiffen erzgebirge. Startpage traditionelle erzgebirgische volkskunst dregeno. Buy erzgebirgische volkskunst seiffen santa father christmas decorates the tree large nutcracker germany. Choose a different manufacturer or show all products within this category. Find great deals on ebay for erzgebirgische volkskunst and erzgebirgische volkskunst smoker. Nutcracker king ash green by seiffener volkskunst soldiers, ash. Seiffens christmas village is the official christmas village in germany. Richard glaesser decided to become an independent distributor in seiffen. As a very special gift we recommend steinbach nutcrackers limited editions, kwo mozart orchestra, schwibbogen dresdner frauenkirche and christmas pyramids with. Etsy is the home to thousands of handmade, vintage, and oneofakind products and gifts related to your search. Worldwide shipping german christmas time of erzgebirgische volkskunst richard glasser seiffen erzgebirge incense smokers christmas, nutcrackers, christmas pyramids, holy family, candlestick, advent house, musical boxes.
We carry nutcrackers by christian ulbricht, hanno junghanel, erzgebirgische volkskunst richard glasser, and seiffener volkskunst. This german nutcracker is ready for easter painted in pastel colors and has fur around hat and beard. Vintage erzgebirge wooden nutcracker of soldier germany christmas in germany. Beautiful and very detailed erzgebirgische volkskunst seiffen handarbeit chubby nutcracker wooden. Nutcrackers, smokers, angels and miners made as copies of classical models, little shaping trees of excellent quality, a wide range of ring turned animals and a. See more ideas about nutcracker christmas, german christmas and german. The rooms are clean, comfortable, well lit and adequate for any business traveler. Seiffener volkskunst incense smokers and nutcrackers have the traditional design that has made the erzgebirge region famous. Nutcracker erzgebirgische volkskunst seiffen handarbeit rg. Erzgebirgische volkskunst german easter bunny nutcracker. Erzgebirgische volkskunst ihr online shop im erzgebirge. Original erzgebirgische volkskunst real handcraft from the erzgebirge made by famous manufacturers. Seiffener volkskunst seiffen erzgebirge volkskunst. What would erzgebirge folkart be without its nutcrackers.
Discover our wonderful world of traditional wooden art from the erzgebirge and our inhouse production. Erzgebirge nutcracker in christmas nutcrackers 19461990. Erzgebirgische volkskunst richard glasser seiffen gro. Generation, mit einem seit jahren eingespielten team.
Permit us to invite you to the toy village of seiffen, the home of incense smokers, nutcrackers, candle arches etc. Erzgebirgische volkskunst muggendorf 2020 all you need to. All of our nutcrackers are handcrafted and hand painted by small companies traditionally located in seiffen, germany. We offer you a wide selection of wooden arches, nutcracker, smokers, pyramids, easter decoration, antique decoration in our shop allover the year. Find great deals on ebay for seiffen and volkskunst. Often the nutcracker is the image of authorities from the past. Glasser, or glaesser, this firm is well known for its pyramids and smokers, but weve also been attracted to their portly shaped nutcrackers. Vintage erzgebirge wooden nutcracker of soldier germany.